16.Oktober 2015:

Check out the donation,

hier kannst du unsere Spende einsehen:


206,- US$

für Kinder und Jugendliche

Danke Freunde und Greifswalder!

Diashow vom PFCDay 2015


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19.9.2015 GREIFSWALD Fischmarkt: "Waldgänger busking for Love & Awareness" hat heute ab 11:00Uhr stattgefunden. Es war ein spannender Tag mit tollen Begegnungen, spannenden Momenten und netten Gesprächen mit lieben Menschen. Gegen 15 Uhr hat Regen die Veranstaltung beendet. Wir haben 140,-  Euro an Spendengeldern eingesammelt! DANKE Greifswald!!! Das Geld wird in den nächsten Tagen auf das PFC Konto überwiesen. Danke an alle die da waren!

Playing for change day Fotogalerie:

Fotos: Michaela S. und Mary

Playing for change day Video:

Danke Michaela S. für den Film!

Nun ist mein Event auch offiziell auf der Homepage von Playing For Change Day.

Check  it out!

Hier: http://playingforchangeday.org/show/waldgaenger-busking-for-love-awareness

I will be busking in Greifswald on the Marketplace on the 19th of September 2015, collecting Money for the PFC foundation in order to teach children music.

Jeder kann mitmachen. Selber ein Event organisieren, Geld sammeln, spenden. Auch ich "Waldgänger" werde am 19. September 2015 auf dem Greifswalder Markplatz Straßenmusik machen, um Geld für den guten Zweck zu sammeln. Friedenslieder und Euer Geld werden helfen die Welt ein klitze-kleines Stückchen heller zu machen, indem wir Kindern in Bangladesch, Brazilien, Ghana, Mali, Rwanda, Nepal, Süd Africa, Thailand und in den Vereinigten Staaten, Musikunterricht ermöglichen. Wer die gute Idee unterstützen möchte kann direkt Geld überweisen oder mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen. Ich helfe gerne weiter. Auch kleinste Geldbeträge oder Events helfen den Kindern!


Weitere Infos auch auf  www.pfcday.org

PFCDAY Pressemitteilung:

June 9, 2015
Playing For Change Foundation Announces 5th
Annual Global Day of Music and Awareness on Saturday, September 19th, 2015

Santa Monica, California, June 9th, 2015— Music lovers all over the globe are joining
together once again to celebrate the 5th annual Playing For Change Day on
September 19th, 2015. On this day, musicians and fans will gather on stages, street
corners, schools, and via live-streams to participate in musical performances, concerts,
and events that promote peace and positive social change.
Inspiring the collective fans and supporters of the PFC movement, Playing For Change
Day will raise awareness and funds to create lasting change through music for
generations to come. Proceeds from the event will provide direct support for the Playing
For Change Foundation’s free music education programs that serve children and their
communities around the world. The event will build on the success of PFC Day 2014,
during which thousands of volunteers organized more than 400 events in 61 countries on
6 continents.
People in every corner of the world will be able to participate in this memorable day of
music by hosting, attending, or performing at an event on September 19th, 2015. Those
who are unable to attend an event in person will have the opportunity to donate, watch
performances streamed live online, and participate in spreading positive messages and
raising awareness through social media.
PFC Day was originally established to coincide with the UN’s International Day of Peace,
or Peace Day, which takes place each year on September 21st. PFC Day is held on the
nearest Saturday each year. Along with thousands of other organizations worldwide,
Playing For Change Foundation participates in the Culture of Peace Initiative, in
cooperation with Pathways to Peace, to raise awareness about Peace Day and the
year-round effort to transform society from a culture of competition and violence to a
culture of cooperation and peace.
Funds raised through PFC Day will support Playing For Change Foundation music
programs that give children the opportunity to develop new skills and find personal
expression through music.
Anyone interested in participating in Playing For Change Day can visit www.pfcday.org
to create an event and learn more about getting involved in this global day of action.
Kentyah Fraser, PFC Day Coordinator